Tips for Painting with your toddler



I’m one of the lucky ones who has a daughter that loves all things craft, sensory play, skill building and development. Which gives me the opportunity to extend her constantly.

Lola is all things kind, fun, loud, beautiful and MESSY. Did I mention Messy? To start off our spring activities we decided to do some painting of her easter gifts. I had just cleaned the house so almost skipped that activity. UNTIL I remembered the old faithful bath tub.

She painted, I cleaned and caught up on administration. It also creates a clean, crisp backdrop 😉


Tips for painting with your Toddler

  1. Find a space that you can allow your toddler to explore, get messy and create freely.  Our two favourite spots are the bath and the back garden.
  2. Give your toddler a creative license: Leave your vision of this activity at the door, provide your toddler with the materials needed and step away.
  3. Embrace their creativity… even if this means they paint with their hands instead of the natural brushes you spent to long to admit making.
  4. Follow their lead: remember it is their art, their journey.
  5. Have fun: paint with your toddler, play with your toddler and enjoy it with your toddler.


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